Guess Who’s Got the Ball Rolling?

Within the past couple days, our group has begun bouncing ideas off one another regarding our final presentation project.  After settling on a topic we will bring into the worldwide spotlight, it is time to begin the researching of this lifestyle condition.  I am consciously keeping the topic of our campaign under wraps for now, as I believe there should be more research completed to have a more in depth background of information.  With that said, I am eager to start organizing our ideas into a week by week schedule for my team and I.  The conclusion we came to during our meeting today was to stay in touch with group members very often and to share information with one another in a organized manner. We are continuing to communicate through our Facebook page, which is proving very practical for all of our busy schedules.  Also, we have begun to meet in Second Life a half an hour prior to our lecture with the class.  After discussing our goals with the professors, I can say I feel confident in the direction this group is headed and I cannot wait to begin expanding our knowledge about this very important type of lifestyle that needs to brought into limelight.

The featured image was taken this afternoon with the group members that could make the meeting.

5 thoughts on “Guess Who’s Got the Ball Rolling?

  1. That looks like a cool place in SL! Also it’s nice to hear that someone is succeeding in developing the project, as it helps give me confidence to continue to move forward with my own group.

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  2. Sounds like you are making goo progress on your project! I look forward to hearing what you guys are doing for yours! Also for whatever reason my group hasn’t though about using facebook to communicate and I think that might actually be easier than what we have been trying to do. Best of luck with your project!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That diner looks pretty cool! I like that you always include pictures in your posts because it definitely shows me different places that are available to use! My group is also using a Facebook group and it is working very well. Good luck with the rest of your project!

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    1. Thank you! I always appreciate pictures with blogs because its something fun to look at. Our group I feel is kind of in a rut with this whole time change, but hopefully we can get it sorted out shortly!

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